Projects & Tools
he following ColdFusion applications, custom tags, and UDFs are free and available for download for use in your own ColdFusion enabled site (subject to the restrictions, if any, outlined in the included comments or documentation). Feel free to contact us for more information regarding any of these products or if there is a specific application or custom tag you’d like to see developed.
DBX – SQL Server / CF Development Tool
DBX is a tool to aid in the development of repetitive coding tasks for SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 databases, as well as providing a convenient way of viewing db objects and schema without resorting to Enterprise Manager / SQL Management Studio.
DBX allows easy exploration of SQL Server database objects and metadata, generates cut and paste CFQUERY and CFSTOREDPROC code based on the datatypes contained in the given db object, and lets you quickly access the schema and details of tables, views, stored procedures, user-defined functions, triggers and more.
When generating stored procedure (both cfquery and cfstoredproc) code, the code generator generates ‘positionally correct’ SQL statements, in addition to providing the named parameters. This allows the generated code to be used with earlier versions of CFMX / SQLServer where named parameters were not supported, but relied upon sequence of the parameters in the executed call.
DBX does not employ nor require an application scope; it is by design intended to be able to be dropped anywhere, regardless of framework, or lack thereof.
DBX provides a number of customization points which allows you to create your own generated output templates if desired; these features do not attempt to impose any specific code generation styles upon you (such as specific methods of creating CFC’s); instead, it provides a number of hooks which allow you to take db object data, contained in a query, and customize your own output templates from there.
Free for commercial and non-commercial use (see application notes). Please note that I no longer maintain this software.